Most Popular App Like TradingView

Real-time data access, sophisticated analytical tools, and an engaged trading com munity are vital in today's volatile financial landscape. If you've ever wondered how to create an app similar to TradingView, you've come to the correct spot. In 2024, there will be a greater demand than ever for cutting edge apps for trading and financial analysis. It makes now the ideal moment to embark on this adventure.

Most Popular App Like TradingView

You will be guided through the essential procedures and factors to construct an app similar to TradingView via this blog. Everything from user-centric elements like social interaction, technological tools, and real-time trade data to crucial admin features like infrastructure management, security, and compliance will be covered. Together, we will investigate the realm of financial innovations and ascertain how you may realize your goal for 2024.

What is the TradingView App?

TradingView is a platform and app designed for traders and investors. It provides a straightforward user interface for analyzing financial markets, including forex, cryptocurrencies, and stocks. To enable users to conduct in-depth technical analysis, the mobile trading app development offers sophisticated charting features, technical indicators, and sketching tools.

Users of TradingView can communicate with other traders by exchanging trading ideas, charts, and tactics through its social component. By having access to news, watchlist customization, and real-time market data, users may remain informed about market changes.

A marketplace with third-party indicators and trading techniques is another feature provided by platforms such as Tradingview. TradingView is a useful tool for traders and investors who wish to make educated decisions about the financial markets because of its many features and user-friendly design.

Most Popular App Like TradingView

It's essential to research TradingView's formidable rivals if you intend to develop an app similar to it. We've listed some of the top online trading platforms in this section that you should be aware of.

Must-Have Features of an App like TradingView 2024

Admin and user features need to be taken into account while creating an app similar to TradingView, the well-known trading and financial market analysis platform. You need to understand TradingView's characteristics in order to develop an app similar to it; we'll categorize these features into key areas.

Enrollment of Users and Upkeep of Profiles

With their personal information, email address verified, and password created, users can create an account. Permit them to make changes to their profile, including contact information and images. Don't forget to include this functionality in your TradingView-like app development.

User Features tradingview 2024


The main screen for a user is the dashboard. An adjustable summary comprising market statistics, favorite assets, watchlists, and recent activity is shown. It should be possible for users to personalize their dashboards to suit their tastes.

Market Information

Real-time and historical market data are available for a range of asset classes, such as stocks, currencies, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Charts of prices, market depths, and other financial data are available to users.

Advanced Tools for Charting

Provide a range of charting options, such as line and candlestick charts. For a more thorough study, add drawing tools and technical indicator overlays, such as moving averages and Bollinger Bands.

Alerts & Watchlists

Watchlists are created and managed by users. Set up notifications based on indications and price to tell users when specific market conditions are reached.

Trading and the Fulfillment of Orders

Permit direct buying and selling using the app; enable a variety of order types, including limit, stop-loss, and market orders. Order execution is made smooth by real-time updates.

Portfolio Administration

A portfolio tracking tool allows users to monitor the performance of their investments. Incorporate functions like trade history and asset allocation analysis.

Market analysis and news

Incorporate economic predictions, analyst reports, and financial news into a newsfeed. Provide consumers with access to articles, research, and market insights to aid in decision-making.

Social Media

Users have the ability to follow and share the thoughts and analysis of other traders. Create a social network where users may exchange ideas and trading methods.

Paper Exchange

In a virtual setting, users can trade without risking their own money. Users can use virtual accounts to hone their trading skills.

Instruction and Materials

Incorporate instructional materials like trade classes and webinars. Give users access to glossaries and trading guidelines as a means of education.

Safety and Account Verification

Put in place robust security measures, such as two-factor authentication and data encryption. Assure user identity to prevent fraud and establish a secure trading environment.

Support for Multiple Platforms

Making sure your website is responsive—meaning it works on desktop, mobile, and web platforms—is essential to building a trading app that has successful support (iOS, Android).

Reminders & Updates

Notify users via push notifications of significant updates and occurrences in the market. Users should be informed about new features and platform updates. Create a cryptocurrency trading app that incorporates these elements for increased user interaction.

Client Assistance

It's critical to have a responsive customer support system. Email, knowledge bases, and live chat are all included. Help should be available to users whenever they encounter difficulties.

Management of Payments and Subscriptions

Subscription plans, payment options, and billing data are all manageable by users. Provide a range of subscription tiers with distinct features and advantages.

Observance of the Regulation

Please confirm that the app complies with the applicable financial laws in the area in which it is used. Show service terms agreements, privacy policies, and legal disclosures.

Reporting and Analysis

Comprehensive reports and analytics on trading performance are necessary. It should be possible for users to examine their transaction costs and perform an overall performance analysis.

Personalization and Themes

An application's look can be altered with the use of themes and color schemes. Create a mobile stock market app by modifying indicator settings and chart styles.

Multilingual Assistance

To create an app similar to TradingView but is more accessible to a worldwide user base, provide multiple language options for the user interface, content, and customer support.

Account Termination & Export of Data

If a user decides to leave a platform, let them export their data and close their accounts. It will guarantee adherence to the rules governing data privacy.

Referrals and Affiliate Plans

To entice customers to recommend your trading app development to others, introduce affiliate programs. Commissions or incentives are options.

Features of Accessibility

Verify whether the app is usable for people with impairments. It can be accomplished by including features like keyboards, screen readers, and accessibility upgrades.

Reporting and Control

In order to handle offensive information, spam, or questionable conduct within the social networking section of the app, implement a reporting system and moderation.

How to Develop Software Like TradingView in Four Steps

Creating software such as TradingView necessitates a thorough comprehension of financial software, coupled with proficient technical abilities, forethought, and organisation. Consider whether you want to create a stock market website or more of a trading solution before you get started. Examine both choices and select the one that best suits your requirements. Another option is to create a platform similar to TradingView and make it accessible through mobile, desktop, and web applications. Let's examine the process of creating a trading solution in more detail now.

Step 1. Shape the concept

Starting with the idea in your head and working it out into the features and benefits the app will provide for its customers would be a wise first step. You can proceed to various user journeys depending on your audience once you have at least a basic project concept. Consider it from your client's point of view. What do they hope to accomplish and what do they anticipate seeing from your solution? It is advisable to carry out a discovery phase at this point.

Step 2. Consider regulation & compliance issues in your target market

It is imperative to complete this often-ignored stage prior to the product launch as it could cause you a great deal of trouble down the road. Verify that the nation with whom you are trading shares has approved your platform by studying the pertinent laws and regulations. Most likely, you'll require an operating licence from the nation in question as well as verification that the product conforms with AML and financial services laws. Ensure that the financial services compliance regulations that track your activities are met by your mobile and online apps.

Step 3. Create an MVP and test the hypothesis

It's possible that at that point you'll also begin working on the initial iterations of prototypes, creating the user interface, and providing more thorough descriptions of the flow. The most important guideline to remember at this point is to keep things simple. It's not necessary to overcomplicate things; the MVP should be easy to read, brief, and intuitive at first look, with its main purposes being to test ideas, get feedback from users, and make quick and inexpensive changes to your idea possible. Remember the following things:

  •  Keep the user's experience, support options, and UI intuitiveness in mind at all times. This will assist you in completing the features and putting only the most important ones into practice. Refrain from attempting to cater to every customer.
  • Make sure there is a solid need for your solution and that the market fits you and your team, no matter how excited you are about releasing the product. In order to do this, you may add some exclusive features and provide your customers with special deals that aren't found in other products.

Step 4. Move on to the development phase

You should be eager to construct the product now that all the research and preparation work have been completed. Currently, the primary concern is whether to engage an outsourcing team or complete the task internally.

You will have total control over the development process and faster iterations and adjustments if you choose the first option. But hiring an outside development team will probably end up being less expensive than creating your software internally.

Regarding development outsourcing, it's a terrific method to free up time and relieve yourself of all the burden associated with creating the product. Consequently, it's usually worthwhile to entrust work to professionals if your budget permits. There is a widespread misconception that projects that are outsourced have worse quality and less control. But if the group is well-selected and cognizant of the requirements of their client, the outcome will be astounding. You can focus on other crucial activities and have your app ready without worrying about its development.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop Software Like TradingView?

We advise spending time selecting the best team that will comprehend your objectives and create high-quality products in order to give them such an experience. Numerous aspects, including functionality, design complexity, and number of integrations, will affect the cost of hiring such an outsourcing team. Because of this, estimating the precise cost of developing such software is difficult. 

On the other hand, a very simple stock market system that lacks trading capability will run you more than $40,000. The creation of a feature-rich platform that enables trading begins at $80.000. For additional information, get in touch with us. Our experts will be pleased to provide you a free estimate for the execution of your project.
How Much Does It Cost to Develop Software Like TradingView?

Our major piece of advice for anyone considering building and successfully launching platforms similar to TradingView is to make the service user-friendly. There is no space for error while handling users' money. Everything ought to be transparent, easy to use, and operate flawlessly. This aids businesses in gaining the audience's confidence and trust.


Which platform is better than TradingView?
The substitute for TradingView is Koyfin. For investors looking for an alternative to TradingView, Koyfin is a great option because of its strong financial research tools, customisable charts, and adjustable pricing options.

Is TradingView the best for trading?
The market's top charting platform is TradingView. It's incredibly user-friendly, dependable, strong, and quick. For this reason, over 50 million traders use it globally. Consider utilising TradingView Essential or Plus if you're a serious and busy trader.

What stock chart is like TradingView?
eToro. (25)MetaTrader 5, 3.7 out of 5. (15)Binary Options Broker, 3.8 out of 5. (14)E*Trade Web Platform: 4.4 out of 5. (23)A score of 4.0 for thinkorswim (31)4.0 stars, dear Kite. (31)Asset-Map: 4.6 out of 5. (96)4.8 stars for MetaTrader 4. (18)A score of 4.3 out of 5.

Is MetaTrader better than TradingView?

Although MetaTrader's social feature is not as strong as TradingView's, it still exists. Both platforms provide quick and dependable trade execution when it comes to order execution. The one-click trading function in MetaTrader, which enables traders to swiftly enter and terminate deals with a single click, may be preferred by certain traders.

Is TradingView expensive?
Since Tradingview paid plans are reasonably priced, most traders can afford them. Tradingview has revolutionised the trading industry for technical analysis; in fact, I would venture to claim that Tradingview is nothing short of a miracle in the field.


As you can see, creating a stock trading platform is a task that needs a great deal of thought and planning and will most likely take some time. The appropriate technical stack and the calibre of the development team will probably decide the project's success and development pace. When developing the platform, it is important to keep in mind that thousands of people will utilise it. The UI should so satisfy the expectations of the audience. Therefore, if you want to develop trading software that is unique in the market, your aims and business plans should come first.

Itexus is a reputable software development firm with a wealth of expertise in creating trading platforms and apps. Our talented team of developers, software architects, project managers, designers, business analysts, and other experts can transform your idea into a dependable and effective solution that will help you gain the trust of consumers and compete successfully in the market. Got a concept for a trade resolution? Reach out to us, and we'll be delighted to make it happen.

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